Our skin is composed of two layers, the epidermis and the dermis. The dermis contains a further two layers: the papillary and the reticular dermis, and beneath this, is the subcutaneous tissue composed of fatty tissue and nerves.
There are three primary methods by which drugs may be injected: subcutaneously, intramuscularly and intradermally. The PKA SoftTouch Micro-Needle targets the skin by intradermal injection:
Let’s Take a Closer Look

Needles on outdated syringes go over 8 millimetres deep into the fatty and muscular subcutaneous tissues and we feel pain because that’s where our nerve endings are. Conventional methods of injecting drugs also provide a less direct dispersal of the drug as the drug is injected deeper and needs to permeate tissues.

The PKA SoftTouch Micro-Needle is the ONLY patented device that injects the drug directly beneath the skin layer. The tiny needle enters the skin only 1.5 millimetres, not deep enough to hit the nerve junctions and cause pain.

By targeting the epidermal layer of the skin, we have proven that a shallow delivery process enhances the uptake, bioavailability and efficacy of drugs. The shallow injection into the skin allows the drug to enter into the bloodstream through interstitial fluid. It’s this fluid that circulates through the body like a flowing river and disperses the medication rapidly, twice as fast as a subcutaneous injection.
Also, because our device targets the skin layer, drug delivery can take place anywhere on the body rather than the five, often overused, sites of subcutaneous injection (abdomen, front of thighs, upper arms). With a shallow injection, the pressure required to administer the drug can also be minimal.
These unique benefits of our technology, coupled with premeasured doses indicated by coloured caps, means the PKA SoftTouch Micro-Needle will have a level of drug dosage accuracy and safety currently unavailable on the market.
What this means for our users – well, if you’re a diabetic waiting for your insulin to take effect, the wait time could be halved. In a hospital setting, clinicians could see patients responding to drugs twice as fast. This could have a huge impact in the healthcare sector where speed is critical factor for a patients welfare such as poisoning on opioids or where a dog has gone into anaphylactic shock.
Later this month, PKA SoftTouch Corp. is moving forward with an equity crowdfunding campaign to perform our last clinical trials in both the veterinary and human markets. To learn more, click here. Watch our video and subscribe for updates about your opportunity to become a shareholder of our company.