What is the PKA SoftTouch Path to Profit?
We are now raising a third round of capital to perform human clinical trials and secure licenses with pharmaceutical companies who will then manufacture and sell our device in the human medical market. By investing, you will receive shares and become a co-owner of PKA SoftTouch, and have the potential to profit from the sale of each and every device.

Clinical Trials
Proof of Concept clinical trials completed & data generated.
PHASE I: Animal Trial
PAHSE II: Human Trial

License with Pharmaceutical Company
Pharmaceutical company receive clinical trial data then fill device with drug they produce.

Drug Company
(Distributes Micro-
Needle to market)
Large-scale licensee manufacturers, prefills & sells device.
PKA manufactures & pre-fills device & small-scale licensee sells

Profit for Shareholders
Royalties from each sale.
Manufacturing Profit & Royalties from each sale.