Learn How You Can Become A Co-owner Of PKA SoftTouch Corp.
We have developed a simple injection device that addresses the increasing global need for both animals and humans to administer life-saving drugs and vaccines in a painless, safe and inexpensive manner.
The market has been calling for an alternative to the syringe.This is a rare opportunity to get involved with a highly experienced team that will disrupt the injectable drug market.
To learn more about how you can gain access to invest in PKA SoftTouch Corp., sign up below.

Syringes inject 8mm deep into fatty and muscular tissues. The PKA Micro-needle is the only effective device that enters the skin only by 1.5mm where there are no nerves, therefore no pain. Discreet and is easy-to-use, it can be used almost anywhere on the body.

Our first two rounds of funding have allowed us to commence clinical trials in May 2021. Our next equity crowdfunding raise gives you a chance to participate in the vast and growing injectable drug and vaccine market, valued at $369 billion in 2017 with growth projected to $779 billion by 2024.

We see our globally patented Micro-needle being used by vets, pet owners, patients who self-administer, such as diabetics and healthcare workers, including the delivery of vaccines. Buy shares to become a co-owner and help us enhance the quality of life for many worldwide.